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Hey! I’m Xoxo.

Welcome to my Connie Cooks page, a place where I stir-stir-stir up a storm in my kitchen in hopes to persuade you to try and cook one (or many!) of my Asian inspired recipes. Since I won't be there to cook for you, you'll need to try it out for yourself!Don't worry though, if you're anything like me, and love to find the easiest and most simple way to cook delicious food, then you're at the right place!

Hey! I'm Connie Cooks

In the midst of covid in 2021, I decided to film myself cooking in my cozy 300 sqft condo and shared my very first cooking video on Instagram and TikTok. To my surprise, there were many of you that were eager to improve your cooking skills, find quick and easy recipes, or just simply to seek for for inspiration on the next meal.

As a full-time corporate girlie and personal chef to my boyfriend, I prioritize delicious and healthy-ish recipes that are quick and easy. Today, I continue to create simple recipes for busy cooks like myself so that we can spend our precious time on other things… like eating!